Elsa’s Touch Introduction video


Welcome to Elsa’s Touch. We are a collaboration program between Cure Glioblastoma (501(c)3 EIN-84-3428507) and the Jatwani Family. The Elsa’s Touch program serves to further the respective missions of Cure Glioblastoma and the Jatwani Family. The Cure Glioblastoma Team has graciously offered to support this program and all donations to the Elsa’s Touch Program will be tax deductible due our partnership with Cure Glioblastoma. Through this program the Cure Glioblastoma team will further its mission to raise awareness about Glioblastoma and expanding education about the disease while preserving the legacy of Elsa Jatwani. The Elsa’s Touch program will fulfill this goal by providing scholarships to students studying Neuroscience, and Neuro-oncology so they can attend annual conference on brain tumors. The Jatwani family and Cure Glioblastoma hope this collaboration will lead to a cure for this disease in the future. Thank you for taking the time to learn about Elsa’s Touch, and we look forward to sharing this program with all.

The Scholarships

The Elsa’s Touch Scholarships will be provided to students and trainees at all stages performing research on brain cancer. These scholarships will allow the students or trainees to attend the annual Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) conference. This conference takes place each year and is the definitive annual brain tumor conference. This year the conference will take place in Vancouver, from November 16-19. Learn more about our 2022 Elsa’s Scholars below.